Department of Computer Science
School of Computing
National University of Singapore
COM2-3-29, 13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417

Manuel Rigger is an Assistant Professor leading the TEST Lab, which is part of the PL/SE group at the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. His research focuses on improving data-centric systems, in particular aspects related to their reliability. As part of this effort, he and his lab have found more than 1,000 unique, previously unknown bugs, most of which have been fixed by the developers of these systems. He and his students’ work received best paper awards at ICSE ‘23 and EuroSys ‘24, as well as distinguished artifact awards at ASPLOS ‘22, OSDI ‘20, and OOPSLA ‘20. Prior to joining NUS, Manuel was a postdoc at the Advanced Software Technologies Lab at ETH Zurich, mentored by Zhendong Su. He completed his PhD at Johannes Kepler University Linz, mentored by Hanspeter Mössenböck, where he worked on the safe and efficient execution of unsafe languages (project Sulong). Part of his work was integrated into Oracle’s GraalVM to support the execution of LLVM IR on this platform.


Bug links: [NUS TEST lab] [Database Systems]